V.Crew Support


Which groups are prioritised groups to receive the vaccination, and what is the rationale for prioritising them?

There is a general consensus globally on the need to prioritise vaccination based on the following principles: 

a. Sustain healthcare and COVID-19 response systems 

b. Reduce morbidity and mortality among those at greatest risk 

c. Protect those at increased risk due to their living or working conditions (e.g. settings with the potential for rapid transmission and large outbreaks) 

d. Maintain the function of society as a whole with a view to maximise benefits and minimise harms. 

As vaccine supply will arrive in batches over several months as manufacturers increase their production of vaccines, vaccination should start with groups who are at greater risk and hence most in need of COVID-19 vaccination, including healthcare workers and COVID-19 frontline workers, as well as vulnerable groups at greater risk of severe disease from COVID-19 infection, such as the elderly.

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