V.Crew Support


How do I get my ShipMoney card?

Seafarers can get their card either onboard or in the local manning office.

If Onboard – Approach the captain and express your intention to use/subscribe to Shipmoney. If buffer cards are available onboard, the captain will issue a card. Crew should follow the below procedures, upon receipt of the card:

A. Photocopy the paper to which the card is attached to. Make sure the CID number is captured.

B. Crew should indicate the PCN, name, and signature on the photocopy.

C Signed photocopy should be handed back to the Master (Master must send this across to our Digital Payroll Specialist the one responsible for activation).

Upon receipt of the scanned document, Digital Payroll Specialist will link the card to the seafarer’s account and Email confirmation and instruction will be sent to Captain on how they can register it online.

If NOT Onboard – They can email our Crew Support Team (crewsupportcenterteam@vships.com) or our Digital Payroll Specialist (angelo.alejandro@vships.com) and below possible solution will be available depending on the nationality and situation of said Crew.

  1. For Russian Crew: Digital Payroll Specialist will email Baltic Office and refer the request of said crew to them were in they will give him Shipmoney card or Virtual Shipmoney card depending on the region of said crew.
  2. For Filipino Crew: They can get their Shipmoney Card on our Manila Office upon contract signing or before dispatch.
  3. For other Nationality: They will be given a Virtual Shipmoney card that they can use for the meantime. And once onboard they can follow above steps for onboard crew on how they can get their Shipmoney Cards.












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