V.Crew Support


To All V.Ships Seafarers and their Families - 18th November 2020

To All V.Ships Seafarers and your Families 

As we enter the last weeks of 2020, I wanted to reaffirm our commitment to carrying out crew changes, where safe to do so, to ensure as many seafarers as possible can return home for the end of year celebrations. 

Despite the ever-changing nature of the global pandemic, our ship management and crewing teams continue to work hard to undertake crew changes onboard your vessels in the face of new restrictions imposed by many countries now experiencing a second wave of Covid-19 infections. 

Due to the hard work of these teams ashore, supported by masters at sea and seafarers on leave, the overdue contract figure at the end of October was 11%. This was an improvement from 15% at the beginning of October. 

At this time of year, we normally slow down on crew changes for a number of reasons. One major reason is that many flights, which are required for crew changes, are full and difficult to arrange at short notice. 

Given the implications of the global pandemic, this year will be different. Flights are already difficult to arrange and that will continue throughout the next few months. Secondly, for those of you who are overdue contract, your shore-based teams will continue to do everything possible to get you home. 

For those reasons, we will continue to take every opportunity to undertake crew changes and there will be no ‘slow-down’ period. 

We recognise that this will be difficult for some of you, as we ask you to travel to a vessel at a time when you would prefer to be with your family. However, please remember, we are operating in very challenging times and the colleague you are replacing is overdue their contract and deserves to be at home at this time. 

With your help and the hard work of the crew management, ship management and travel teams ashore, we will continue to relieve those of you who are overdue contract. 

In the meantime, many thanks to you all. Stay safe! 

Allan Falkenberg 

Chief Executive Officer 

Crew Management, V.Group

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